
Looking at James 1:5 to Learn About the Spiritual Gift of Wisdom

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Transcript of the Episode on James 1:5 – Spiritual Gift of Wisdom 

Wisdom is a characteristic that we gain through experience as we age. We have a lot to learn from people who have walked before us and seen the world evolve over time. But James 1:5 says that we should ask God for wisdom, and he will give it generously. So even the youngest, least experienced person on this planet can obtain the wisdom of God. God has a plan for all of us, and he doesn’t wait until we have a certain amount of experience and wisdom before he moves us toward our purpose. 

A basic definition of wisdom, as a spiritual gift, is to apply spiritual principles, make decisions and give guidance according to God’s will. It’s coming to things in a unique way that penetrates the minds of others, encouraging them in their faith and helping them grow in their relationship with the Lord.

The spiritual gift of wisdom is NOT earthly wisdom. It’s godly wisdom. The two are very different. Lots of young people think they are wise. This can actually be a sign of rebellion, unless that wisdom is truly given by the Lord.  If this is the case, then it is used for good and His glory.

God’s wisdom can only come to you from the Holy Spirit. It is not obtained by working hard, studying or reading the right scripture. It comes from being open to God working in your life and being receptive to the gifts he wants to give you. It comes when you are obedient to His will and desires for your life.  

A personal reflection on the Spiritual Gift of Wisdom 

When I was in high-school, one of the pastors of my church asked me if I realized I had the spiritual gift of wisdom. She claimed that God had given me incredible insight on His word and teaching. Then she proceeded to tell me that this was going to be a difficult gift to have at such a young age. She continued by saying that people were going to look down on me. They weren’t going to listen. So, she asked me if she could pray over me. She prayed that God would encourage me, that He would give me a spirit of boldness and courage. 

I quickly realized that I needed that prayer. It was hard to have wisdom and insight that wasn’t appreciated. It was hard to say something incredible, just to be overlooked and ignored. My peers disrespected me, people that I looked up to didn’t know how to relate to me. I soon felt like I had to prove myself, which meant I wasn’t using the gift to glorify God. I was using it to glorify myself. 

The funniest thing about the gift was, when I was in tune with the Holy Spirit, I didn’t even know I was wiser than the average teenager.  It came to me so naturally. But overtime, God revealed this wisdom to me. He showed me where His insight was coming to play. I would be in the midst of a conversation, or a bible study, or a typical teenage situation and an idea beyond my mental capacity would come to me.  Once I’d verbalize the truth God revealed, I would see how He was glorified.  I’d see how it would bring goodness to a situation. I would see how someone’s eyes were opened.  He would use me to bring clarity, encouragement and confirmation to other people.  He showed me how I had become bold and courageous and willing to obey. 

The most exciting thing about having the spiritual gift of wisdom is that I got to minister to people who were older than me  and I did so, and still do, with total confidence. It is so fun to have a person in their 50s, 60s, 70s even 80s ask me what I think about something.  It creates a special bond between me and that other person. It’s so incredible to see people in all stages of life come together because of this precious gift. I get to look for help, support and encouragement through the experience that they have and they look for help, support and encouragement through the wisdom God has given me. 

So going back to that pastor who told me that I had that spiritual gift of wisdom. Later, I learned that she wanted me to know about this gift because I had spoken to her in a unique and beautiful way that really touched her heart.  Can you believe it?  A wise woman leading a church, told me, a teenager, that she learned something from me.  

Does the Spiritual Gift of Wisdom Exist in Your Life?

God can use you to speak to others and impact their lives.  God wants to be a part of your journey. He has a purpose for you and He wants to guide you through that plan. Perhaps he’ll give you the spiritual gift of wisdom for a brief moment. Or maybe he’ll give it to you for your entire life. In order for you to utilize this gift, you have to trust and rely on Him. He wants to invest in you. He wants to give you good things so He can do good things through you. God wants to work with you and help you impact a hurting world. 

If you believe you have the spiritual gift of wisdom, then trust that God will provide opportunities to use it. Be open to placing yourself in situations where God can use that spiritual gift. 

  • Lead a small group at your church.
  • Teach a Sunday School class.
  • Start a faith-based program at your school where you can present His truth to fellow students. 
  • Write a blog or post a vlog.
  • Journal your ideas and translate them into various social media updates. 
  • Ask a person who is older than you to meet with you regularly as a mentor. Tell them what God is doing in your life and see how He reveals himself to them. 

Godly wisdom isn’t going to show up only on Sunday morning at church, Or during your weekly bible study. God may need to speak to someone through you during class, at work, while Socializing at a coffee shop, at home over dinner, while shopping, or during practice. God’s wisdom is applicable to every situation.

So one of the most important things to do when you have the spiritual gift of wisdom is to speak up when God gives you insight to share. God’s wisdom is an incredible gift. Don’t take it lightly. Instead, spend adequate time connecting with God through scripture reading, prayer and reflection. You want to be in a place spiritually where you have the confidence to speak God’s truth with boldness when it comes to you. Don’t sell yourself short. Trust in the Lord. He will provide you with great opportunities to speak His wisdom into the lives of others. And when He does, you will be blessed by His goodness.